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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40 new things to celebrate 40 years!

So it turns out that I have been on this earth for 40 years come July 8. Wow!

And to mark the occasion, I will do 40 new things that day. But I need everyone's help to come up with a list, because 40 is a lot! Post your suggestions as a comment to this blog. The only rule is that it has to be something I can do in a short period of time that day (so I can get 40 things in), it has to be FUN for me (don't make me eat slugs!), something I have not done before (or not in a looooong time, say 20 years?), which you may not know, but take a guess!

Ok, I'll get your started with the list:

  1. Go salsa dancing.
  2. Skip around the office.
  3. Wear a party hat while climbing.

Ok, your turn! :)

Here is an update on the list generated so far in no particular order (as of 11 am on June 30):
  1. Go salsa dancing.
  2. Skip around the office.
  3. Wear a party hat while climbing.
  4. Milk a cow or goat.
  5. Ride a paddle boat at Greenlake. 
  6. Have drinks on top of the Space Needle.
  7. Send a message in a bottle.
  8. Get a tattoo.
  9. Watch the sunset at Alki Beach with friends and beer.
  10. Plant a tree.
  11. Have a food fight
  12. Try a new ice cream flavor.
  13. Go skateboarding.
  14. Roast coffee.
  15. Pickle something.
  16. Wear high heels to work.
  17. Sell something on craigslist.
  18. Go to a horse race.
  19. Shoot a gun.
  20. Learn how to tie a Monkey's Fist.
  21. Go to Olympus Spa (
  22. Get a pedicure.
  23. Create a new drink and drink it.
  24. Sing Karaoke.
  25. Go surfing.
  26. Go clamming.
  27. Create a CD with my top 40 songs.
  28. Ride my bike for 40 miles.
  29. Eat a meal in total darkness.
  30. Play Whirly Ball.
I don't think I will be able to do this all in a day, so let's expand it to a long weekend! :)
And things you've suggested but are not showing up on this list, I have either already done or will not do!


  1. I just thought of another one that John mentioned - ride a pedal boat on Greenlake. I'd like that.

  2. eat a meal in total darkness (great picture, btw!!!)

  3. Zerah5:12 PM

    How about a water ballon or squirt gun fight?

  4. Play some tennis; ride a horse; go down a slip-n-slide.

    Now that I've written this I can't imagine you wouldn't have done them before, haha... still fun though!)

  5. I have played tennis and ridden a horse, but never gone down a slip-n-slide...I wonder where there is one around here?

  6. Never on a slip-n-slide??! That's crazy, hehe, and now a MUST for sure! All you really need is a strip of plastic/tarp and a hose (and/or soap). Oh, and a yard/space to lay it out I suppose, hehe. Come to think of it I've only ever seen ones people make themselves, though I'm sure you could buy one pretty cheap from say Walmart if you wanted.

  7. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Awesome list! I will be curious to see if anything doesn't stay on the list. :) How about spending a day doing only things you completely and totally want to do and nothing from the "should" list? Or crashing a party. Or trying a new German wine? Happy, happy birthday!
