And to mark the occasion, I will do 40 new things that day. But I need everyone's help to come up with a list, because 40 is a lot! Post your suggestions as a comment to this blog. The only rule is that it has to be something I can do in a short period of time that day (so I can get 40 things in), it has to be FUN for me (don't make me eat slugs!), something I have not done before (or not in a looooong time, say 20 years?), which you may not know, but take a guess!
Ok, I'll get your started with the list:
- Go salsa dancing.
- Skip around the office.
- Wear a party hat while climbing.
Ok, your turn! :)
Here is an update on the list generated so far in no particular order (as of 11 am on June 30):
- Go salsa dancing.
- Skip around the office.
- Wear a party hat while climbing.
- Milk a cow or goat.
- Ride a paddle boat at Greenlake.
- Have drinks on top of the Space Needle.
- Send a message in a bottle.
- Get a tattoo.
- Watch the sunset at Alki Beach with friends and beer.
- Plant a tree.
- Have a food fight
- Try a new ice cream flavor.
- Go skateboarding.
- Roast coffee.
- Pickle something.
- Wear high heels to work.
- Sell something on craigslist.
- Go to a horse race.
- Shoot a gun.
- Learn how to tie a Monkey's Fist.
- Go to Olympus Spa (
- Get a pedicure.
- Create a new drink and drink it.
- Sing Karaoke.
- Go surfing.
- Go clamming.
- Create a CD with my top 40 songs.
- Ride my bike for 40 miles.
- Eat a meal in total darkness.
- Play Whirly Ball.
I don't think I will be able to do this all in a day, so let's expand it to a long weekend! :)
And things you've suggested but are not showing up on this list, I have either already done or will not do!